Rewarding Adult Care Staff while tracking professional development
Rewarding Adult Care Staff while tracking professional development
The Care Professional Academy is a platform available to everybody working in Adult Social Care. As an Academy Care Professional you can log your training certificates and qualifications, access care sector news, and gain access to exclusive rewards and discounts.
Our aim is to professionalise Adult Social Care, for those working in care to be treated like professionals and for the wider public to view care as a professional career choice.
You are not ‘just a carer’. Whatever your role within Adult Social Care, it is a skilled sector to work in which requires high-quality training and people with the right values and attitude towards supporting vulnerable people.
By joining the Academy, you are leading the way in professionalising the sector, showcasing your training and development and getting much-deserved rewards for being a care professional.
Professionalise Adult Social Care
How Does it work?
counter_1Sign up to the Academy with your personal email address, so you have control of your portal to access your rewards and savings when you’re on the go click here!
counter_2 Upload your training certificates and qualifications relevant to your job in care
counter_3Add more certificates throughout your career to move through the reward tiers and access even more discounts and savings

counter_4Follow us on your preferred social media platform to keep up to date with deals and everything Academy
counter_5Access sector news, wellbeing tips and more through our news blog and monthly newsletter
counter_6Use your training passport to demonstrate to your current and future employers your level of skill, knowledge and capability