Our flagship services
With the introduction of the Single Assessment Framework inspections for Local Authorities there is no better time to consider introducing the Academy and its many benefits and services in your area.
These services will ensure you are able to evidence how you work with and support the providers within your county, whilst also giving you the opportunity to talk directly to Care staff.
How can our flagship services help you?
These services can help you as a local authority regulate and streamline your contract monitoring; Provide evidence towards your Local Authority CQC ratings and support overall care quality compliance.
Provider engagement with these will support your local adult social care provision with recruitment, retention, continual quality improvement, equality and diversity, evidencing person centred care, workforce development through gap analysis and training.
About Us - Care Professional Academy
Ensuring your care workforce is trained to a professional, best practice standard.
Click here to request a brochure
Impartial Feedback Service
Our Impartial Feedback Service (IFS) is the most effective way of gathering open and honest feedback from key stakeholders.
Good Care Recruitment
Good Care Recruitment is an experienced non-profit recruitment service available to you.
General Virtual Education Classroom - Leadership
Company Culture Check
Our 6C’s service is an effective way of gathering information and feedback from staff on how they view the culture of provision.
Cultural Values in Care
Our Cultural Values in Care survey is an effective way of gathering information and feedback from staff and people who use the service on how they view the provision of care through care delivery that is tailored to their personal needs.
Skills Training and Needs Analysis
To help gather feedback about your service and to gather vital information on the training needs of your staff.
Business Continuity Planning Support
Business Continuity Planning is a proactive business process that helps you to identify and understand any potential threats.